Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Hey Firstborns, do you think you're smarter than your younger siblings?  Well of course you do.  But now there's a study that suggests this might actually be the case.  Birth order is an interesting topic and one that we explored this morning at ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) class.  Personality traits have long been attributed to one's age rank in the family unit:

"The eldest child is programmed for excellence and achievement, the middle child is raised to be understanding and conciliatory and the baby seeks attention."

The author of the birth order/intelligence study found that firstborns are 16 percent more likely to pursue higher education compared to younger siblings.  She attributed this outcome in part to the aspirational personality trait of firstborns, as well as the fact that parents tend to devote more time and energy to firstborn children.

But fret not, younger siblings.  There are lots of successful middle children and babies of the family willing to prove this theory wrong.

Riloh: Mommy, will you paint my name?  Now will you paint Daphne's name? 
(Stepped away, back a minute later.)  Ahhh, sisterly love.

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