Monday, January 13, 2020

Blank Canvases

It's almost mid-month and I'm still in the "it's January, what should I be doing/thinking/planning for the new year" frame of mind. Walking up to fresh snow this morning put a nice clean blanket on rooftops and lawns. And the new bunny footprints around the garage are pretty cute. (But don't get the impression I like winter, haha.)

My thoughts today are about blank canvases. Taking ideas that are rolling around in my head and getting them into some kind of tangible form. I enjoy new beginnings -- a new planner, a new DIY home project, a new client. But I tend to be more comfortable once things have gotten underway and I have figured out some direction. Blank canvases can be their own kind of barrier to next steps. The pressure to put down that first blob of paint can be excruciating!

That's sort of how I'd describe my blank January canvas. I'm trying to figure out where to blob the paint. I'm looking for new clients, or a different kind of job, or something entirely new. I'm looking to paint a fresh picture of my career ambitions and get grounded in my next new thing. Whatever that might be.

Good luck if you're trying to work through new ideas today. And don't be intimidated by the blank canvas. That's my advice to myself, anyway. Make another french press and keep at it.

Ile de France Landscape by Paul Cezanne

Here are some links to further your procrastination today:

Weird ways to recycle your ski gear.

Try this fresh cocktail recipe to combat winter.

Maybe you just need to get out of dodge!

Are you prepared in case you decide to venture out??

Every six months or so I do a search to make sure bangs are still on-trend. Turns out they're still on the list, phew.

Amazon is the rabbit hole of things I never realized I needed. Here's a helpful list to help you fritter away your entire afternoon. You're welcome.

Kissing Mugs

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